What is Linux?
Linux is a Unix-like, open source and community-developed operating system (OS) for computers, servers, mainframes, mobile devices and embedded devices.
Linux is highly configurable and depends on a modular design that enables users to customize their own versions of Linux. Depending on the application, Linux can be optimized for different purposes.
Linux distributions
A Linux distribution, sometimes known as a “distro,” is a compilation of the Linux operating system and a number of additional programmes and tools. The Linux kernel serves as the foundation for each distribution, which may also have its own user interfaces, package managers, and software repositories. The most well-known Linux distributions are Mint, Fedora, Ubuntu, and Debian.
Most Important Linux components
- Boot Loader -It is responsible for managing the boot process of the computer and for starting the Linux kernel.
- Kernel — The Linux kernel is the software that interfaces directly with the computer hardware.
Kali Linux
An open-source, Debian-based Linux system called Kali Linux is designed for various information security activities like computer forensics, reverse engineering, and penetration testing.
Kali Linux is a popular choice for cybersecurity professionals and enthusiasts.
- Pre-installed tools
- Customization
- Penetration testing
- Support
- Regular updates
Cyber Security
Cyber security is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. It’s also known as information technology security or electronic information security.
Ethical Hacking
Kali Linux is a popular choice for ethical hacking because it includes a wide range of tools specifically designed for this purpose. Here are a few examples of how Kali Linux can be used for ethical hacking.
- Network scanning:
- Vulnerability assessment
- Password cracking
- Exploitation
- Web Application testing
Next Postings on Blogs I’ll talk about a variety of tools that cybersecurity researchers need.
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