Legion Information Gathering tool in Kali Linux -Ethical Hacking Series
If you are using Kali Linux 2020.1 or later, Legion, a fork of Sparta with improved features, will be installed instead of Sparta. A very flexible and somewhat automated framework for network penetration testing is called Legion. Operating Legion is pretty simple.
Legion is An Open Source, Easy-To-Use, Super-extensible & Semi-Automated Network Penetration Testing Tool.
Features in legion tool
- NMAP, Shodan, whataweb, nikto, Vulners, Hydra, SMBenum, dirbuster, sslyzer, and webslayer are examples of automatic recon and scanning tools. Many tools have been twisted onto the tool.
- GUI (graphical user interface) Very easy to use this tool.
- Simple to customize and allows loading custom scripts against the target.
- Stage scanning with ninja-like IPS evasion that is highly adjustable.
- Real time result saving.
Installing Legion
The tool is already installed in Kali Linux Operating System.If you don't have use the below commands to install the tool.
sudo apt-get install legion
Enter the command Legion into the command line to use the tool
How to Use Legion
Add your Target into the Scope using that Plus Icon
Specify The Target and the Scanning Methodology
We can able to select Multiple options to perform Scanning.Works with your Target.Work with your device and response your result in the below section
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