What is Linux ?
For desktops, servers, mainframes, mobile devices, and embedded devices, Linux is an open-source, community-developed operating system (OS) with Unix-like features. Being one of the most broadly supported operating systems, it is compatible with practically all popular computer architectures, such as x86, ARM, and SPARC.
What is the use of the Linux operating system?
Every Linux OS version controls hardware resources, starts and handles programmes, and offers a user interface in some way. There is a Linux version accessible for practically every work because to the sizeable development community and variety of distributions, and Linux has permeated many fields of computing.
The Linux operating system is widely used and supports a wide range of use cases. These are some applications for using Linux
- Server OS
- Desktop OS
- Headless server OS
- Embedded device or appliance OS
- Network OS
- Software development OS
- Cloud OS
Linux Command Line Interface
The Linux operating system included a GUI. However, you will find the command line interface to be far more interesting and useful. You must discover and understand the fundamental commands for Linux.I’ll go through a few straightforward commands in this article.
Basic Commands
Whoami — Find out what user we’re currently logged in as!
Echo — It is a fundamental command that displays the input you provide.
File System Commands
ls — list the files which are present in that current directory
cd -change directory from one to another
pwd -it display the present working directory
cat -this command used to display the text content which is present in the file
Searching For Files
find -used to search the file which is present in the system
grep -used to search word or letter which is present int the file
If you want to learn more about this idea, just search for it on Google. It provides a lot more details for you.
Shell Operators
Refer to the medium article below where I explained shell scripting for additional details.
All of the materials in the Tryhackme room have been covered. I made the decision to wrap up this tale, and in the subsequent tale, we shall see.
I really hope that this post has provided you with some new information.Thank you !!!