Introductory Networking(OSI,Tools)
It is a Day 2 challenge room, and I have finished it. In this article, we’ll talk about tools, networking foundations, and ways. In this, the ideas are described in detail.
I’ve discussed the ideas in the following topics.
- The OSI Model
- An introduction to basic networking tools
The OSI Model
We utilize the standard model known as the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Model to illustrate how computer networking works and the OSI model consists of seven layers.
Layer 1- Physical Layer
The physical layer has connections between the hardware parts. Every gadget exchanges data in the form of bytes. The usage of PC laptops, mobile phones, and network-enabled gadgets is in this.
Layer 2 — Data Link Layer
Physical addressing is implemented at this layer. Switches identify the systems using the MAC address. The switch is a non-intelligence device. The data is transmitted from the devices in frames, which also include the source and destination mac addresses.
Layer 3 — Network Layer
In this layer, routers that perform logical addressing operations are used. Using their logical IP addresses, the devices are connected globally. The data is presented in packet form. It has headers for the source and destination IP addresses.
Layer 4 -Transport Layer
Numerous networking protocols are utilized in this. It transmits and receives data from the devices and other levels. There are two different types of connections: UDP and TCP.
A connection-less protocol is UDP.
Between the source and the destination, there is no intended relationship.
User Data-gram Protocols is what UDP stands for. The communications are in Datagram format. It does not give consumers an acknowledgment message if any data loss occurs.
Example: Video Streaming
A connection-based protocol is TCP.
In contrast to UDP, TCP. For the length of the request, a link is created and maintained between the machines. This enables a dependable transmission since the connection may be leveraged to make sure that each packet reaches its destination. To ensure that the data is transferred at a reasonable pace and that any lost data is resent, a TCP connection enables the two computers to be in continual communication.
Layer 5 -Session Layer
The session layer checks to determine whether it can establish a connection with the other machine over the network after it gets the properly structured data from the presentation layer. If it cannot, it sends back an error message, and the process is terminated. If a session can be created, it is the responsibility of the session layer to keep it going and work with the distant computer’s session layer to synchronize communications.
Layer 6 — Presentation Layer
Data is sent from the application layer to the presentation layer. Although it’s not always in a standard format that the receiving computer’s application layer might comprehend, this data often comes in a format that the application knows. The presentation layer handles any encryption, compression, or other data transformations and converts the data into a standardized format. Once this is finished, the session layer receives the data.
Layer 7 -Application Layer
In essence, programs operating on a computer are given networking choices via the application layer of the OSI model. It functions nearly solely with programs, giving them an interface to employ for data transmission. Data is transmitted down into the presentation layer from the application layer.
An introduction to basic networking tools
- Ping
- TraceRoute
- Whois
When determining if a connection to a remote resource is feasible, we utilize the ping command. Typically, this will be a website on the internet, but if you want to verify that it is configured properly, it might alternatively be a computer on your home network. One of the previously stated slightly less well-known TCP/IP protocols, the ICMP protocol, is used by Ping.
ping <target_Website>
The servers and endpoints that make up the internet are all connected over a massive network. This implies that you must navigate via several different servers before reaching the material you truly desire. You may view each of these connections with Traceroute, as well as each step that was taken between your computer and the requested site.
traceroute <target_website>
Whois essentially allows you to query who a domain name is registered to. In Europe personal details are redacted; however, elsewhere you can potentially get a great deal of information from a whois search.
whois <domain_name>
Thank you for reading this article. I hope you all get some knowledge from this. Be active in the medium and gather much more information from in it.